Advertise on The Casual Observer
Feb 10
You might have already noticed it, but there is a new tab in the blue bar at the top of the page – “Advertise”. In addition the the larger ads that some of you currently see, we are making a small number of spots available to private advertisers.
You can read details here, but the gist is that you have the opportunity to lock in a crazy 2 month rate of $1.25 per month on a 125 X 125 pixel ad (you provide the image). These ads will be displayed to ALL readers of The Soap Boxers.
This is an introductory offer. Rates are certain to increase after the introductory period (yeah, we’re trying to get you hooked at the lower price and then reel you in). Seriously, where are you going to get better exposure for your site for a mere 4 cents per day?
One of the spots has already been snapped up (by charter sponsor Irrational Family) – act today to get one of the three remaining spots.