How to get a newspaper delivered for free

1 Comment

We are former subscribers of a local newspaper. The paper is so-so. The comics are solid, the sports section is pretty lackluster.

Ever since we started subscribing, we have been fighting a carrier issue. The carrier launches the paper toward our front steps with an accuracy that would remind you of a young Mitch Williams. On the rare occasion, the newspaper does land somewhere on the steps. More often, it lands in the bushes, or on the driveway, sidewalk, or lawn. Interestingly, we subscribe to the Sunday edition of a larger paper. The Sunday paper carrier manages to hit the step almost all the time.

After repeated calls to the circulation department, with repeated promises that the carrier would do a better job, we finally gave up. The lack of action prompted us to cancel the paper. We got our refund, so everything is good.

Except for one small thing. We’re still getting the paper. It’s still being delivered to the lawn, driveway, and sidewalk. Woodland animals are still living in fear of the paper boy.
We’ve call two times in the weeks following our initial cancellation call to let them know that the paper is still being delivered.

In a world with no free lunch, it appears that we have found a way to get a free newspaper delivered to our residence. Or at least near our residence.

One Comment (+add yours?)

  1. The Casual Observer
    Nov 17, 2008 @ 20:21:00

    It has more than a month. Finally no paper today … or was it delivered into the midst of the leaf pile on the front lawn?


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