Evolution of a Fiction Writer
Aug 11
Assorted Tales from life, Writing 4 Comments
I have been writing fiction stories since elementary school. In sixth grade, my teacher gave me the opportunity to attend a local young writer’s conference – if I could produce just one non-sports story for her. I dashed off a story about Bigfoot and got the chance to spend a day with a few classmates, attending writing workshops. On the same day, most of our class was pent up in the boring old school building.
It was also during the sixth grade when I first plunged into the world of publishing. I convinced a lot of classmates to write articles for my newly formed magazine, Howdy. Howdy was a critical success, but operations ceased after just one issue after a discussion on the proper and improper use of the school copy machine.
In high school, my short story The Case of the State vs. Santa Claus was among a handful selected for publication in the school paper. The story detailed the prosecution of Santa Claus in the death of grandma (sing it with me – “Grandma got run over by a reindeer …”).
During my college years, my fiction writing ground to a near halt, due in large part to the increase in writing required for term papers. I wrote a few very short stories, but really nothing subtantial. Oddly, although I obtained a minor in English while in college, I did not take a single creative writing class; choosing instead to focus on pre-19th century British literature.
In my post-college years, I would write the occassional story. The story Tina, for example, was written for a long-forgotten acquaintance by that name. I also began writing invitations to a weekly dinner/movie event. Most people would simply send out the location of dinner and the choice of movie. I unleashed my creativity and typically threw several hundreds words into the email. This would occassionally cause some confusion – such as the time when one person ended up at the wrong Australian steakhouse.
After moving back to my native Iowa, my writing once again dropped off. It later regained some momentum when I joined a simulation baseball league (essentially, a cross between fantasy baseball and Dungeons and Dragons, with fake players). Credits could be earned by writing about your team, and my favorite type of article quickly became fictional accounts of my player’s lives.
During my time in the league, I shared my tongue-in-cheek investment advice. After encouragement from friends, I launched a blog in October, with the investment advice piece as the very first article. The blog was unlike many blogs in that it did not focus on a particular niche, instead trying to bring a diverse group of topics under a single umbrella.
I picked up my fiction pen again in November when I wrote about Oregon’s election process. After a few more satires, the first true original fiction piece, Release Point, became the first story in the Fiction Friday series. Shortly thereafter, The Soap Boxers moved to its current address. In recent months, I have added several writers to the staff, in an effort to add diverse content, as well as allowing me to focus on a handful of topics. The most important of these topics is definitely the fiction stories. In July, the Fiction Friday stories were collected into an eBook (along with a longer bonus story). (If you’re a repeat visitor, you can click on the “Free eBook” link at the right edge of the blue bar toward the top of the screen).
I plan to perodically release new volumes of the compiled fiction – always with at least one brand new story. I also have a few other irons in the fire, including a couple of possible book ideas.
While I do wish to devote energy to novels in the future, I do not want to forget my short stories, either. It is for this reason that I am announcing my intention to enter the 2010 Iowa Short Fiction contest (see details about the 2009 contest). The contest requires a 150+ page manuscript of short stories. I will not be able to have a manuscript ready in time for this year’s content (submissions are due on September 30), but this is my goal for 2010. I plan to dust off some of my books about writing (including on book that is devoted entirely to writing better dialogue) as I attempt to refine my writing style. My hope is that this will result in stories that are more enjoyable to read.
What’s the moral to the story? If you have the itch to write, grab a pen (or keyboard) and start! It’s a cheap hobby.
Aug 11, 2009 @ 21:29:24
You go bud!!! I know you can do it. Your short stories are already an indication of your ability to spin a great yarn.
I can’t remember who said it or where I read it but it goes something like this: “the only pre-requisite to becoming a writer is desire”
and the difference between a amature and a professional is the professional keeps on writing no matter what.
You are a professional.
.-= tina´s last blog ..Tim Horton’s gets TWIT WACKED! =-.
Aug 12, 2009 @ 08:49:41
Putting my intention in a public forum will make it a little harder for me to just say “aw, forget it” at a later date.
Aug 12, 2009 @ 21:22:07
We’ll make sure we keep on you!
I have to admit, when I read “a cross between fantasy baseball and Dungeons and Dragons, with fake players,” I had this image of an ogre in right field, an orc at second base, etc. But I’m odd like that.
.-= Evan´s last blog ..5 Tech Sites Every Geek Should Visit =-.
Aug 13, 2009 @ 21:56:40
Evan – love that thought, but that’s not quite how it works, of course 🙂 The participants draft players as raw 18 year olds (or less raw 22 year olds) and mold them into the type of player they want by sending them to winterball each year (paying with credits earned from league activity).
I personally always tried to enhance my players’ ability to draw walks, as well as their defensive range.
It was (and still is) an awesome league (based on Mogul, but heavily customized by the awesome commish), but I couldn’t effectively run my team and also run this blog.