The End of The Casual Observer


Yes, you read that correctly.  The Casual Observer will cease to exist in the near future.

In the beginning, the site was a lone Casual Observer (kosmo) expounding on topics that interested him.  Over the past 18 months, the staff has grown, and we have people jumping up on their soap boxes to talk about all sorts of topics.  That’s not exactly what I had in mind when I started the site.

What was I to do?  I had no choice.  The Casual Observer is dead.


In its place, rising like a phoenix from the ashes, is The Soap Boxers.  All of the existing content from The Casual Observer has been carried forward to The Soap Boxers and the site’s design is remaining largely unchanged.  If you notice any problems with the site, let me know.  Please update your bookmarks.  We will be re-directingt traffic for a little while, to

RSS subscribers and email subscribers should not be affected.  I use a 3rd party (Feedburner) and handle the underlying RSS feeds, and I should just be able to redirect content from The Soap Boxers to be delivered to the subscribers.  However, if you noticed that you don’t receive anything new for a few days, this may indicate a problem.  In this case check the web site for a status. I don’t expect any problems, though.

How will the content change?

It won’t.  We’re going to keep doing what we’re doing now.  If you loved The Casual Observer, you should love The Soap Boxers.

Why The Soap Boxers?

One of the things I disliked about the old site was that the formal name of the site differed from the URL, due to my inability to get the corresponding .com address.  Because many of us are often on our virtual soap box, I kicked around a few related terms before settling on

You may notice that I’m using the term “soap box” instead of “soapbox”.  Why?  Because our writers don’t pull punches – they are Soap Boxers!  Using the two word variation of the term allows us to use both meanings 🙂

We will be back to the regular schedule on Monday.  Remember – update your bookmarks and tell all your friends.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. poch
    Jul 23, 2010 @ 23:30:56

    What happened to you happened to me just last month. I dumped my website PlatoPress because of bad hosting.

    ‘You may notice that I’m using the term “soap box” instead of “soapbox”. Why? Because our writers don’t pull punches – they are Soap Boxers! Using the two word variation of the term allows us to use both meanings’

    Great idea!


  2. kosmo
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 11:27:57

    Actually, I didn’t have any problems with hosting – I just wanted a name change.

    I continue to use Dreamhost for my hosting. I’m very happy with them.


  3. Evan @ 40Tech
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 15:37:10

    *wipes away a tear* I’ll miss the ‘ole girl (even thought I know she isn’t going anywhere). I understand your reasons, so it will be nice to have the domain match the name of the site.


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