Where’s Kosmo?

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I know what you’re thinking.  “Where can I find more stuff by Kosmo?”  I’ve caught myself asking the same question.

As it turns out, I’ve actually been featured as a guest writer on quite a few other sites.  Here’s a comprehensive list.  


40Tech (Technology, allegedly for the 40+ crowd, but relevant to anyone)

Lazy Man and Money (Personal finance)

Life, Laughs, and Lemmings (Triumph of the spirit – currently on hiatus)

  • Write On (My struggle to keep my focus on writing)

Living With Balls (Sports, and, well, yeah, double entendre is intentional)

Man vs. Debt

ProBlogger (For the professional blogger)

The Centsible Life (Personal finance)

The Digerati Life (Personal finance)

Fun stuff:

I also do freelance articles for Digerati Life on more mainsteam topics.  Pop over the the site and check it out.


World’s Strongest Librarian (Hard to categorize)

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