Not About The Super Bowl
Feb 07
Ramblings from Martin, Sports Super Bowl 1 Comment
This article is not about the Super Bowl, well at least not about the game. As a Steelers fan it is just too painful to comment on the game right now. I want to talk about the things that make the Super Bowl not a game, but an event. Let’s start with the 24 hours of pre-game. I know that Fox did not have 24 hours of pre-game by themselves, there was a hand off/overlap with ESPN. We got to learn about every previous Super Bowl, all of the players, some of their wives. There was the exceptional tribute to Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys, even though they were not in the Super Bowl (I wonder how the other host teams feel about that). We were pummeled with how great Pittsburgh and Green Bay have been in the past; lots of black and white film for Green Bay, not so much for Pittsburgh as they were rather atrocious before 1969. All of these segments were separated by musical entertainment, primarily from Keith Urban.
The real pre-game was actually very nice. There were tributes to our armed forces, including a reading of the Declaration of Independence featuring players, service men and women, retired general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Commissioner of Football. Then came the singing of God Bless America and the National Anthem. I feel Sorry for Christina Aguilera. She missed one line of the Anthem and the morning media have been all over her about that. Her apology seems sincere and she seems embarrassed about it. All in all, I think the pregame was classy.
Fast forward to the half time entertainment. A lot of people think that the half time entertainment is important. I guess if you spent $4500 you would want a first class ride for the entire 4 hours. Ever since the Janet Jackson event, I have spent half time cleaning up the food and hunkering down for the second half. I caught some of the act. The special effects and music were what you would expect from the Black Eyed Peas. If you like them, you like the show. If not, well I am glad I was not with my father for this half time. I do not think I could have explained it to him.
So what else is there to talk about other than the game? The commercials, of course. My personal favorite was the kid dressed as Darth Vader starting the car with the Jedi Powers of the Force. Although watching Roseanne Barr get wacked with a log was pretty good, too. There were other interesting ads, and I believe there will be a special on TV to go through them all, or you can look at them on-line at I enjoyed the entire experience, especially since it was over by 9:45. I hope the NFL continues to have the early start to the Super Bowl for those of us who have to work on Monday.
Feb 07, 2011 @ 11:35:42
I didn’t catch Aguilera’s flub in realtime. OK, I was distracted by two kids at the time …
In any case, she didn’t do anything disrepectful, and I suspect that a very high percentage of the population don’t know the words by heart. I generally do, but every once in a while, will transpose sentences.
I never watch the halftime shows. I watch sports for the SPORTS aspect 🙂