Kosmo’s Writing Adventures
Mar 13
Sales of Mountains, Meadows, and Chasms continue at a pace best described as workmanlike. It’s certainly not enough to retire on, but enough to satisfy my ego. Of course, if you want to help me retire early, you can plunk down three and a half bucks and buy a copy 🙂
As a way to boost sales for the book, I am going to partner with some other bloggers. I will write a short story starring the blogger in exchange for free publicity. The blogger can post the story on their site as a change-on-pace from the typical fare, including a plug for my book at the end. For an example of the type of story that might result, here is one I did for Adam at Man Vs. Debt last year. I’m looking for bloggers with a strong, engaged audience. (In other words, people who are likely to buy my book). There will also be a bit of a referral bonus. Send me a note at kosmo@ObservingCasually.com if you are interested. If I’m not familiar with you, it make take a while for me to understand what makes you tick enough to write a story – it won’t be overnight.
I’ll be out of town on a business trip in the near future, and will be scheduling some marathon writing sessions for my upcoming novel, Casting Stones. The main concepts have been in place for a while now, but it has been pushed to the back burner. My word output goal for the trip is probably very optimistic … I’ll give a report of my progress upon my return. The book is a murder mystery (but of course!) and also features a romance between a detective and a college professor. If you like my other crime stories, your should really enjoy Casting Stones.
I’ve been keeping my newest venture close to the vest. Now that it’s underway, I’ll share. I have decided to launch an online fiction coaching school. Courses will run for five weeks, with four students to a classes. Each student will write four stories, which will be analyzed by me and peer reviewed by the other students. I’ve been struggling to find a price point that made sense – a price that would properly compensate my for the work (analyzing sixteen stories as well as guiding the class and performing some administrative tasks) while making it affordable enough for anyone. I finally gave up … I’m going to run 2-3 classes each year, and they will be free. The goal is to bring together diverse groups and have them learn from each other. If you’re interested in the next class, you can email me at kosmo@observingcasually.com. The next class will probably take place in September, with subsequent classes beginning every 4-6 months.