Change In Direction


For the full effect, click this link to read the article.

Hello, everyone! It is with mixed emotions that I announce that Kosmo is stepping down from his post as Editor-in-Chief of The Soap Boxers to focus on other projects. I will be stepping into that role, effective immediately.

Honestly, I value this site mostly for the domain name. I will be deleting all of the current content within the next few days, and replacing the existing writers with a completely new staff. (Seriously, four people yammer on about politics every month?) The Soap Boxers will now become a forum for discussions centered around the modern woman.

Here is the posting schedule:

  • Monday – Women in the Workplace. Women have made great strides since in the past few decades, but much still needs to be done to achieve equality with men. Lindsey will take a hard look at topics centering around the workplace, such as the problem of income disparity and the evils of sexual harassment.
  • Tuesday – Relationships. Whether you’re a single women diving into the dating pool and attempting to avoid sharks or married with kids, there is always a need to improve the relationships in our lives. Join Liz for a lively discussion of relationships each week.
  • Wednesday – Fashion. Looking for a lipstick that actually keeps its promise to look great all day or mascara that won’t run? In search of that little black dress to turn heads at the next gala event? Or maybe you need to find good deals on clothes for the kids. I’ll help guide you through the fashion jungle.
  • Thursday – Home. Women end up as the de facto CEO of the home, mostly because men are too lazy to do it. How can you involve the kids (and maybe that lazy bum husband) with the cleaning? Which laundry detergents do the best job of cleaning those filthy clothes? Perhaps you’re looking for some new recipes to add some spice to meal time? Sharon will show you how to truly become Queen of the castle – making the serfs do the work.
  • Friday – Party Time!  Let’s have some FUN!  Whether it’s a girls night out or a girls night in, Jessica will give you tips on how to make the event a rousing success.

I hope you enjoy the changes! All new content starting Monday.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Onij
    Apr 01, 2011 @ 13:22:13

    Smells like a big pile of April fools doo-doo to me. 😉


  2. Barbara Plotkin
    Apr 01, 2011 @ 14:08:27


    You had me until I read the actual content for every day and I’m thinking “What?” I could not stop laughing!!! You really got it down. Hysterical!


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