Electoral College Gear
Oct 28
The Political Observers Electoral College No Comments
The Electoral College was created in 1787. It’s been around for 224 years, but nearly all the media coverage of the college centers on their role in elections.
But there’s more to the Electoral College than just 538 people who cast votes in presidential elections. There’s an entire institution of higher learning. There’s a football team, a marching band, a glee club … and of course, intramural luge! EC boasts award-winning faculty and a student body boasting an average IQ of 172!
The college should do more to promote itself, instead of allowing itself to be portrayed as a one trick pony in the media. Since the college has failed in its self-promotion duties, I have taken it upon myself to promote Electoral College.
As of today, you can buy apparel promoting the academic and extracurricular departments within the college! Designs include:
- Electoral College History Department – Stuck in the 1700s
- Electoral College Admissions Office
- Electoral College Alumni
- Electoral College Glee Club
- Electoral College Rowing Club – Up A Creek Without A Paddle
- Electoral College Cheerleading
Am I joking? I assure you that I am completely serious. Waltz into a room with an Electoral College shirt and watch yourself become the center of attention. With the presidential election looming in just a year, it has never been a better time to buy Electoral College themed merchandise.
To see a complete listing of designs, visit our store. You can go directly to our Zazzle Store, or use the easy-to-remember URL ElectoralCollegeGear.com (which will bounce you to the Zazzle store). Check back often for new designs and an expanding collection of merchandise. Tell all your friends about Electoral College Gear!
On game days, remember to cheer for the Fightin’ Lecties!
Note: Profits from the sales of Electoral College merchandise will go directly to the writers of The Soap Boxers. This is a fun way to support your favorite writers. You can also edit the text (font and words) to whatever you want. I’d prefer that you keep things tasteful, but I have no control over the text you put on the shirt.
Update: it turns out that someone has trademarked the use of the term Electoral College on shirts. It seems odd that someone could trademark such a common term and exclude anyone else from putting it on a shirt, but it costs $300 to petition for cancellation of a mark, so I’ve changed the design a bit. The shirts are now for Electoral STATE.