What Are You Reading?
Jul 13
I’ve had my Kindle out quite a bit lately, and I’ve found some pockets of time in which to read. Here’s a rundown of my past, present, and future reading.
I’ve written about my favorite author, Lawrence Block, on many occassions. He’s primary a mystery writer, but he also writes a monthly column for Linn’s, a stamp collecting magazine. Block has collected many of these columns into a Kindle book, Generally Speaking.
I’ve been snapping up pretty much any Block Kindle book that’s avaialble for a good price, and I think I got this for $2.99 (it’s $4.99 now). I don’t actually collect stamps, but I don’t collect baseball cards, so I assumed there would be enough parallels to make the book interesting.
Generally Speaking is an interesting insight into the hobby itself. While it does cover topics related to the stamps themselves, there’s also a bit of travel, geography, history, and zoology included, as Block shares his experiences as a collector. One interesting tidbit is that Block and his wife are world travellers and make an attempt to buy a stamp and have it canceled at the post office of each country they visit.
I learned quite a bit about stamp collecting while reading the book. More importantly, though, it was a very interesting read.
I bought Water for Elephants several months ago, and it had languished on my digital bookshelf (digital end table?) since then. I read the first few pages, didn’t particularly like the way the book started and stopped reading it. Recently, I decided to give it a second chance to plowed through the first few pages to see if I could get to a part of the book I liked.
At this point, I’m about a third of the way through. Based on what I’ve read, and some foreshadowing in the beginning, I have an idea how this may turn out, but there are a lot of unknowns that have to unfold. While most of the book occurs 70 years in the past, we occassionally get a present day scene of the narrator, who is now in his 90s.
A very interesting tale so far, and I’ve found myself peeking ahead on my Kindle.
I do wonder, though, why the Waterford Crystal company didn’t introduce a line of Waterford Elephants around the time the movie came out.
Once I finished with Water for Elephants, I’ll likely sit down with an old favorite, Lawrence Block’s Burglars Can’t Be Choosers. The Burglar books are funny, and I just realized that it’s been a while since I’ve read one.
I’m also being tempted by the siren call of The Hunger Games. I very rarely re-read books so soon after reading them for the first time, but I may make an exception in this case.
What about you?
Now it’s your turn – what are YOU reading these days?
Peter Shaw
Aug 02, 2012 @ 08:10:40
I like nonfiction books on history, religion, etc. I especially appreciate old books. I jump around a lot but right now I’m reading Fishers of Men BT Roberts, Holiness Teachings BH Roberts, and Shining Saints. All were written in the 19th Century.
I did read I Am Legend one of the few fiction books in my library.
Aug 02, 2012 @ 09:10:58
I enjoy fiction books that have a healthy dose of history (much of what I know about Vietnam was taught to me my Nelson DeMille), but it’s rare that I’ll sit down with with a non-fiction book unless it’s about baseball or forensics.