The Disappearing Act (conclusion)
Apr 10
Fiction Friday Magic 1 Comment
If you haven’t read the first part of the story, you’ll definitely want to read it first (it’s here).
Miranda paced back and forth and the stage and wrung her hands, obviously unsure of what to do next. Finally, she spoke again.
“Well, folks, I guess the show must go on. The next part of the act calls for me to push the box back together and have Sarah pop out of he box unharmed. I’m afraid it is too late for Sarah, but we can at least honor her memory by finishing the trick.”
Miranda moved slowly toward the two halves of the box. She pushed them together and halfheartedly uttered some magic words. She barely glanced at the box as she opened the door.
Miranda had already turned her back to the box and was walking toward the front of the stage when, to the amazement of everyone in the theater, Sarah popped out of the box and onto the stage. The crowd went absolutely wild – Miranda and Sarah received several curtain calls before finally retreating backstage.
After the crowd had left for the evening, there was a meeting in a back room at the Riverview Theatre. In attendance were Marcus, Miranda, and the three male members of the entourage.
Marcus immediately tried to take control of the meeting.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to prove with your stunt tonight – “ he began.
“Oh, shut up,” responded Miranda. “You don’t call the shots any more. I’m in charge.”
“How do you come to that illogical conclusion?”
“I’ve put up with a lot from you over the years. The verbal abuse, the condescension, and now the affair. You have no friends in this room. It’s the end of the line for you.”
Marcus laughed. “The end of the line? What are you going to do – kill me?”
“Oh, even better than that,” replied Miranda. “I know how fascinated you are with the Amazon. I’ve decided to give you the gift of a long vacation there.”
Marcus was now ever more confused. “And this is some sort of punishment?”
“It’s a rather remote spot. In fact, it’s my belief that this area has never experienced human contact.”
Marcus was still a bit slow to understand.
Miranda explained further. “Did I mention that this is a trip for two? We’re going to drop you and your mistress into the middle of the rainforest. If you and Sarah ever want to see other human beings, you’d be well advised to start breeding like those stupid rabbits you use in your tricks. Maybe you can start an entire race of sub humans.”
The next day, a plane flew over the Amazon and pushed Marcus and Sarah out the door. Their parachutes slowed their descent until finally they disappeared below the canopy of the rain forest and were never heard from again.
Weeks later, Marcus’ PR firm sent out a press release informing the media that Marcus the Magnificent would be taking a long sabbatical to re-discover himself. In the interim, his wife would be taking over his show. The media and the public had become jaded to Marcus’ antics over the years, and this news was barely a blip on the radar.
Thousands of miles away, one of the greatest magicians in the world was failing at some of the most basic tasks of a hunter and gatherer. The raw meat made him nauseous, but he had not yet mastered the ancient art of creating fire.
If you noticed the theme of scorned women taking revenge carrying over from last week’s story, The Proxy, don’t worry – it’s not the sole theme of my stories. The two stories simply originated from the same brainstorming session.
Apr 11, 2010 @ 00:21:47
All righty then – I didn’t see that coming!! Good job!
.-= Trece´s last blog ..You think that you can do these things, Nemo =-.