How To Keep On Your Story Line


Many times, when writing, external distractions will drive you away from you intended story line. My recommendation is to just go with it. Surely not every time, because then you would never get any story to even start to flow, but when something really big happens that everyone is talking about, you will be overwhelmed. This week is just such an occasion.

Prince William married Kate Middleton. I think that 80 of the 83 channels that I get with my cable package covered the event. It was historic, it was romantic, it was classic and it was on – everywhere. This is not something you can just ignore, even if you do not care about the British Royal Family. I am only mildly fascinated by the original “reality show”, but something like the wedding of the heir or a coronation are rare events that do catch my attention. Last week, Kosmo posed the question as to why Americans care about the royals. My response is that we have a certain amount of voyeurism. We want to watch, but we do not want a royal family of our own.

My take on the whole event was that it was nice. That is sort of a weak commentary, but it does cover my reaction. I am glad that the prince and his new wife will have a few weeks of privacy before there public exposure begins. The ceremony had all of the pomp and circumstance that the British are so good at. It was not a Hollywood production.

What I take away from the event is a catalogue of writing opportunities. Here are just a few ideas:

  • The designers and seamstresses for the dress and the secrecy surrounding it
  • The back room dialogue between the Prince and his brother
  • The intrigue of introducing the idea of the wedding to the Queen
  • A secret (and this is only fiction) plot against the couple on their honeymoon

The plot lines flow so easily. The characters already exist for any author to use. The backdrop, events, even some of the innuendo is already available. You just have to integrate your own ideas. For me, it would be a little difficult since I am focusing on science fiction right now (although clones and aliens could make an interesting twist to the story). But you romantics, conspiracy theorists, and historians should have a heyday.

So get off the couch, turn off the television and get back to writing. The opportunities abound, and someone in the world wants to read your ideas. You can start by leaving comments on any posting on Throw your ideas up here if you want. We (the contributors and other visitors) will read them and comment in return. If you write a compelling cover letter and a good story, I am sure that Kosmo will consider posting it. It is all about communicating ideas.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Martin Kelly
    May 03, 2011 @ 08:31:23

    So now the airwaves are filled with talk about Osama Bin Laden. Look at this as more opportunity for writing ideas. Mystery, spy, action, are all genres that can be fulfilled with this event. You can range all of the the map, literally. From the White House to the middle east to the house of a Navy SEAL in Alabama, Everywhere you look there are stories to be written.

    btw, Kosmo had a little difficulty with the header of this article. It is actually mine!


  2. kosmo
    May 03, 2011 @ 09:20:50

    Wow, it’s been a while since I forgot to set the author of an article 🙂 Fixed now.


  3. kosmo
    May 03, 2011 @ 15:16:06

    My story, The Paper Princess ( was inspired by the royal wedding.


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