Maybe It Just Takes A Woman
Jun 16
The Political Observers Women 7 Comments
Here’s the deal, boys, I know that politics is a boys club. My first political job was canvassing for the Iowa GOP in 2002. Since then I’ve been a Communications Director for a US Senate Campaign, served as Secretary and then Co-Chair for the Polk County GOP and volunteered on countless campaigns. So I get it, it’s a boys club. Which is probably why I got such a high tolerance for beer. If you can’t drink with the boys, you can’t play with the boys. At least on the campaign staffer level in Iowa.
But after Arnold’s little Schwarzenegger he has running around, John Edward’s “love” (ew) child with his former staffer (while his wife was battling cancer), Bill Clinton and the infamous blue dress and Weinergate, maybe we should look at who we have in office.
I warned you I was a feminist. So here we go. When you lost something as a kid, who did you ask? Mom. Because Mom always knew where it was.
When you had a problem, who did you ask? Mom. Because Mom always knew the right answer (and to do what was right).
When you thought you forgot Grandma’s birthday, who informed you she sent a card from you last week? Mom. Because Mom remembers.
I’m not saying women are infallible. Look at Eve (although I’m still partly convinced that Adam just threw Eve under the garden on that one). But women know better than to do things that get themselves into trouble. Women consider the risks, weigh all of the options (it’s how our brains work and why we talk so much) BEFORE they act. And talk (for the most part). And women rarely send naked blackberry pictures of themselves (not just because they don’t like the way they look, but because they know it will get out).
Women are only thinking with one head. Men have two. And they usually allow their lower one to make the decisions. You see what I’m getting at here. Don’t believe me? Why are there more strip clubs than Chippendale’s locations? And need I mention Hooters? I mean, there isn’t a place for women to eat where beefcakes serve them in fireman suspenders and…I think I just had a brilliant idea. Anyway, if Weinergate has shown us anything it shows us that maybe, just maybe, we should have more women in office.
Who do you ask when you want something to get done? The wife, the mom. The woman. Mothers remember all of the times, dates and weights of each of their children. Fathers are generally aware of little people living in the house (this is one of my husband’s favorite quotes).
I know a lot of Libs are upset at Sarah Palin and her bus tour, but why can’t a woman take her family on vacation, really? It’s because she’s not playing by the media’s “rules”. And they don’t like it.
Now, I’m not saying that all women in politics are great. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz annoys the heck out of me. I wasn’t a fan of Hillary either (although now I realize she’s better than Obama).
We in the Women’s club have our share of less than classy ladies. Tonya Harding for one. But she’s not in Congress. When you’re an elected official, you’re expected to act in a manner that is appropriate. Taking half naked pictures of yourself in the Congressional locker room isn’t one of them. Especially if you’re married and your wife is pregnant. Do I think Weiner should resign? Yes. People have resigned from Congress for lesser offenses.
What I’m saying is maybe we should have more women in office. Things would get done faster. Things would get done better. Things would get done without someone sending a picture of their “weiner” distracting the leaders from the REAL work that needs to be done (I mean really, if it is a woman, she shouldn’t have a weiner). Gas prices are still high. We’re still in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. People are still jobless. The economy is terrible. And we’re talking about a weiner?
If more women were in Congress, they would have said, “Ew. Resign, dude.” and it would have been over. Why boys, from an early age are obsessed with their junk is beyond me, but it seems like it is something they never grow out of. Remember, I have three little boys. And more times than I can count during the day, I have to say, “Stop playing with that”.
So yes. My suggestion is to get more women in office. And stop worrying about “the junk”.
Jun 16, 2011 @ 09:26:35
I don’t doubt that the women in congress have had far fewer scandals than the men. However, with the men outnumbering the women 5:1, it would be normal for there to be 5 times as many scandals involving the men.
You have me wondering that the scandal ratio is. 5:1? 10:1? 50:1?
The Angry Squirrel
Jun 16, 2011 @ 10:43:38
So I take it your ‘feminist’ take is that only conservative women are worth having in Congress? I would see that as a partisan take and not being a feminist.
As far as scanals you are right its a different ‘wiring’ thing. Kosmo does have the good point the outnumbering does make the odds a male in Congress would get involved in something.
As far as National Lampoon’s Palin Family Vacation I am not upset with her for taking her family on a vacation. What my beef is that it is on the political donors dime. I also blame the media for making a circus of it and giving the attention whore what she wants. If you build it he will come can be changed to if you ignore her she will go away. However I doubt that will happen anytime soon as she is too in need of the attention and the media thinks the entertainment value is too high.
On a side note sources are now saying Weiner will resign. Can we please get Vitters forced out now. Its only fair.
Jun 16, 2011 @ 13:31:10
Crunchy is big time beer drinker…I love it!!!
I had no idea that you had been so active in politics. It sounds like you have a wide array of experiences and they probably helped to shape you into the person you are today.
You made numerous statements about Mom’s/Women and I have to tell you, they’re all true. I always asked my Mom for help with everything. My kids always ask their Mom for help with everything. Come to think of it, I don’t remember the last time any females at work have been reprimanded for inappropriate behavior either, but I remember several males.
It seems to me that men and women have a different level of maturity. I’m not saying that I’m void of maturity, but my wife’s level of maturity is certainly a little higher and definitely more consistent than mine. I spend at least 250% more time joking with people than she does. I love pranks; I love to make people squirm, etc.
I wish I could talk about the sexual urges better from a female perspective. I can certainly (without hesitation) admit that my testosterone levels don’t seem to be dropping and temptation is always there. I’ve been mature enough and I love my wife enough that I don’t act on them. I certainly don’t run into the bathroom, take a picture of my junk then send it to someone…let alone strangers.
My wife seems to handle her sexual urges better than me though. I usually wind up chewing my nails down to the skin while my wife hangs tough and doesn’t act inappropriately until we can get somewhere private. She is definitely more controlled than I.
I certainly see a lot of your points about females true as generalizations. There are however plenty of women that would still act inappropriate, send sexual pictures of themselves, post lewd comments publically, etc. I dated some of those same females in High School and College—God Bless each of them.
Certainly, you don’t see most females led around blindly by their penis (or vagina LOL) while most normal men (me included) have trouble breathing when that other head takes over the thinking. Whether females outrank men 5:1, 10:1 or are an even split of 1:1, I don’t think that by-and-large we’d see the same number of indiscretions that we see from men.
Squirrel, I think this is a male/female issue but I agree that conservatives certainly make better representatives than liberals.
So we can call this scandal Weinergate, what would you call it if a female was the perpetrator?
The Angry Squirrel
Jun 16, 2011 @ 14:28:50
Oh squeaky I was merely making a comment on the male\female issue she was going with but then her clarifying that don’t get me wrong bit. I agree totally with the it is all in the wiring bit about males being more involved in these types of scandals.
As for what to call the scandal like such when a woman is involved I suppose it would depend on what they are doing or show in the scandal or if they have an appropriate name to what the scandal is as well.
I am still interested in seeing how this lying is indefensible and you must resign now outrage will last. If it was the new standard the entire Republican side and most of the Democrats too will be unemployed like Mitt Romney by next week.
Jun 16, 2011 @ 14:40:40
“So we can call this scandal Weinergate, what would you call it if a female was the perpetrator?”
I think you’d call it “not a scandal”. I think she’d have fifty million new followers.
I still think that Weiner’s resignation (not the SCANDAL, but the resignation) helps the Democrats more than the Republicans (as I mentioned here:
Jun 22, 2011 @ 11:38:16
Interesting how you conveniently name 3 Democrats in your examples but leave out such Republicans as Larry Craig, David Vitter (who is still in office despite illegally having sex with prostitutes – I didn’t see any Republicans who called for Weiner’s resignation call for his), and Newt Gingrich and his love of marriage (he loves it so much he’s done it 3 times).
I don’t have a problem with sex issues, that’s the politician’s private life. I have a problem with sex issues when that politician is campaigning on the moral high ground; Newt leading the charge against Slick Willy’s dress stain while he was cheating on his wife with a staffer, for example. I’m all for more women in congress, but be careful what you ask for, women of all ages are more likely to identify as Democrat ( )
Jul 01, 2011 @ 15:26:42
+10 @zarberg