Focus group
May 25
Assorted Blog news, State of the blog No Comments
Per some good advice from Darren at Problogger, I am forming a focus group. The focus group would essentially serve as a sounding board for ideas related to direction and content, as well as providing input on what they would like to see. Here are a couple samples of the types of questions the focus group might see:
- Do children’s story such as “Bob The Turtle” provide entertainment value for the audience, or should they be excluded in the future?
- Would you like to see more or less political news?
- Are we providing enough content on international issues? If not, what issues deserve more attention?
If you are one of the daily readers, consider joining the focus group. You can respond or ignore question as you wish, so it should not take a large amount of your time. I would like to get at least one person from outside the US to ensure that we are serving the international audience. Perhaps my loyal reader in Belgium would be a good fit for this? I’m looking for about a half dozen members at this point.
If you are interested in becoming a focus group member, send me an email at
In your email, tell me some basics about you – where you live and some basic demographic information (age, gender, occupation, interests). You can be vague on the age, if you wish – I’m just want to make sure we have a reasonably diverse group (instead of having six 25 year old computer programmers from Salem, Oregon).
Even if you don’t want to be in the focus group, feel free to make comments on specific articles, either via the “comments” function, or by sending me an email.