The Cardinals / Cubs Rivalry
May 28
A Special Guest - See all 20 of my articlesEditor’s note: Today is the start of the first series between the Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Cardinals this year. I have lived my entire life in the midwest, in the heart of Cubs and Cardinals territory. For five of those years, I was situated in central Illinois – where it’s possible to have half a family rooting for the Cubs and the other half rooting for the Cardinals.
So, today, a special double column with insights from fans on both sides of the rivalry. Our own Crunchy Conservative talks about her love of the Cubs, while Archie Jefferson explains why he cheers for the Cardinals.
The Crunchy Conservative When interviewing for my current job, my future employer asked me if I considered myself an optimist or a pessimist. I responded, “I’m a Cubs fan.” I got the job. To be a Cubs fan one must be an eternal optimist. Yes, eternal. As in some fans have lived their entire lives hoping for a World Series. Never to see it happen. But there’s always next year—at least there is if you’re a Cubs fan. I have been a Cubs fan for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure why I started liking the Cubs, but I did. My maternal grandfather LOVED to watch baseball. I recall many summers when he would be “babysitting” me and my younger brother and he would fall asleep in front of the game. I don’t recall which team was his favorite overall, but I fondly remember watching games with him. I’ve shared my love for the Cubs with my two (and soon to be three) boys. Maybe I’ve shared a bit much. My oldest (then three years old) son came into the living room last summer afternoon last year and asked me, “Who is playing the frickin Cubs?” Yes, he did say “frickin”. Maybe I need to tone down my language before the next two start talking. I didn’t attend my first Cubs game until I was 25, and that was in Minneapolis. I didn’t get to see a game at Wrigley until I was 28. Both were magical. And the Cubs won both of the games. The Cubs came from behind to win during both of the games. And maybe that’s why I’m a Cubs fan. Life is full of ups and downs, just like a season with the Cubs. But as the Cubs have shown me, you can always come from behind and surprise everyone. And as long as you believe and keep the faith, there’s always next year.