Things I Am Thankful For – 2010 Edition
Nov 18
The Crunchy Conservative - See all 35 of my articlesLast year I penned a “Things I Am Thankful For” article and I thought it would be fun to look back, see what I predicted and was thankful for then, and see if that still holds true today.
Last year I said, “I am thankful for my children. Two wonderful, healthy boys who were not “ruined” by my decision to breastfeed, delay solids until 6 months, baby wear and vaccinate. (I know, a crazy combination!)” This year, I am thankful for my THREE wonderful, healthy boys. Unknown to me, I was already pregnant with our third child when I wrote that last year. I am still thankful for my children, and while three boys under 5 are quite a handful, I wouldn’t change anything.
I was thankful for my parents and my husband last year. I still am. I am also thankful that after the birth of our third son, my husband and I made the (difficult yet easy) decision for me to leave the corporate world and be a stay at home mom. While things are tight, I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world, either. I am also thankful that this year I am using my college degree while being a freelance writer at home (Suite101, Yahoo! Contributor Network, and Mommy’s Recess). While calculating Pension was fun (yes, I know, I’m sick), it wasn’t what I thought I’d be doing with my degree in English. I get to do what I love while spending time with my boys. I am SO thankful for that.
And now on to the reason you love Crunchy. The Politics. Last year I said:
“I am thankful for 2010. This way we can give a nice retirement party to those who will vote for the healthcare bill.
I am thankful that 2012 is only 3 years away. I think Barack needs to spend a little more time in Chicago … as the FORMER President.”
Not to toot my own horn, but TOOT! TOOT! Did I call that one or what? Public option died and while the healthcare bill did pass, the people let their voice be heard and voted a lot of Legislators out. I wonder how all of those retirement parties are shaping up?
This year, I am thankful Americans are not allowing their Government to be hijacked by the uber libs. The House has been restored to Republican power and Crazy Pelosi has been demoted to Minority Leader (I still can’t believe they kept her in a power position). Next step, get the TSA agents under control. I am not a fan of the full body scans and I am against TSA agents depantsing the eldery and taking children into private rooms (without parents) while they stick their hand down the child’s pants. Being a TSA agent doesn’t give you the right to become a molester. Is this the punishment the American public is forced to take because we wouldn’t blindly accept the Administrations wishes? Not cool.
I am still thankful that the “Obamaworship” is WAY down. As of yesterday, only 26% of Americans Strongly Approve while 42% Strongly Disapprove. Finally people have decided that the grass isn’t greener.
I am thankful that President G.W. Bush is still a class act. While Obama has taken every chance to blame Bush, in a recent interview, Bush was asked if he approved of the job Obama was doing. He responded “President Obama has got plenty of critics and I’m just not going to be one.” Total class act.
I am thankful that 2012 is only two years away. Palin, Gingrich, whoever it may be, will be better than “The Great Fingerpointer” we have in office now. That’s the kind of ‘change’ I’m ‘hoping’ for.
This Thanksgiving, keep in mind those less fortunate than us. But don’t feel too bad about the 64 Democrats who lost their seats (jobs) to Republicans. They brought it on themselves. I saw it coming a year ago. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. Hopefully you don’t have to fly anywhere.